Family Retreats

Healing Relationships Between Parents and Children

What is The Family Retreat?

Nuclear family is the core of a healthy society where all family members must feel safe, respected and heard. We help both parents heal their relationship between each other and understand the needs of their children.

How We Help You Heal?

How Many People Are In The Retreat?

We work with one family at a time.

What is the Program for the 7-Day Retreat?

Our 10-14 day Retreats offer more work with the medicine for those who need it, a much deeper dive into the integration work, changing of habits and routines, practical advice on discipline, food, relationships and lifestyle. We offer tools as well as practical advice to each person, so that focus on living your lives in peace and harmony, together, as a strong family unit.

We Nurture Our Own Relationship!

It would be hypocritical to give counsel about something we are struggling with, especially about such complex and ever-changing matters as relationships. We are not perfect, but we nurture and keep the fire burning between us – no matter what is happening on the outside. Relationships are harmonious with mutual respect, honest communication of the wants the needs, setting and maintenance of boundaries that non-negotiable.

Who is This For?​

The Grand Rebirth Experience

Upcoming Events



8:30 am - 2:30 pm

✔ The All-Inclusive Retreat Sep 2 – 9, 2024.

✔ Arrive to Liberia Airport, Costa Rica and leave everything else to us!

✔ All Treatments, medicines, transportation from and to the airport as well as food and lodging is included in the retreat fee.



8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Befriend your ego

✔ The All-Inclusive Retreat Oct. 7 – 14, 2024.

✔ Arrive to Liberia Airport, Costa Rica and leave everything else to us!

✔ All Treatments, medicines, transportation from and to the airport as well as food and lodging is included in the retreat fee.


@ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

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@ 12:00 am – 3:00 pm

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will We Do All Work Together With My Partner?
    Consultations are individual, but can be done together based on the needs of the both partners. Breathwork, cold water therapy, and kambo are usually done together. We recommend private Sacred Toad ceremonies for maximum benefit, but all specifics are discussed during the course of the retreat and your needs.
  • Can We Come To The Retreat With Small Children?
    Yes. We can arrange the care for children while you focus on your healing.
  • Do I Need To Rent A Vehicle?
    No, we take care of the transportation from and to the airport. You will not need a vehicle while taking part in the retreat, but if you need to go to town or explore - we can help with that as well.
  • Can I Bring Pets?
    Please speak with us directly and we will be able to help you.
  • Is The Retreat Worth The Money?
    Yes. Every penny. There is no price tag that can be placed on happiness, living in a healthy body, feeling strong and confident free from pain and suffering. We guarantee that this will be the most transformational experience in your lives.
Kelly MarceKelly Marce
23:47 20 Apr 24
My experiences with Plugimind have been unbelievably beautiful 😍 I have had the honor of being served with love and high integrity by Karina and Niko and sent on the most loving and profound journeys imaginable. I highly recommend their services to find yourself and heal in ways beyond belief. I love them both and I love what they do for those that need it ❤️🤩
Sage ScottSage Scott
16:59 16 Mar 24
I participated in a one-day, give-what-you-can, "Unfuckwithable" Kambo and Bufo Ceremony. My feelings after leaving Plugin Mind after the ceremony were pure love, bliss and gratitude.It is hard to describe the experience of consuming the medicine since it is so personal and subjective with every person. I can say that Karina and Niko, aka the lovely "cosmic doulas," and the other healers present including Donna and Steve give all of their love and support to you when you need it the most. I never truly understood what they did until I was experiencing the medicine, and truly depended on their presence and support. They are the ones you want present while experiencing a life-changing medicine that takes you to the true world, where there is no where to hide, having to commit to leaving your fears behind. I would not have wanted to be with any other beings while undertaking this experience.I believe "cosmic doulas" are such an accurate term for Karina and Niko since I truly saw the universe in their eyes. I felt loved and supported by them, even after meeting them only earlier that day. Karina is such a nurturing, gentle and loving soul, who seems to know exactly what your feeling, and only wants the best for you. While Niko is a strong source of light and truth, and will gently nudge you to commit to this experience, helping you realize your true self.Before, during and after the ceremony, I never felt embarrassment or shame, I truly felt I could be myself. After you leave, you will have a new family. And a new birthday. I feel connected with all who took part in this ceremony with me since we all witnessed each other releasing our fears and darkness and becoming true light and joy. I am grateful for all who were present.If you feel a calling to take part in a ceremony with Plugin Mind, follow your instincts. I had a blissful experience. I will take part in more events with Plugin Mind in the future.Thank you to Karina, Niko and all of the beautiful healers present for sharing your love, light and being vulnerable in order to truly help others. What you do is beautiful.Much love, Sage.
08:21 06 Mar 24
I am writing this review over a year after having gone through the Plugin Mind experience, and all I can say is that my life has been forever changed to the better and much more expansive version of myself. It is a gift that keeps on giving! Niko and Karina are the absolute best people one can go through this with as you feel endlessly cared for, safe, and supported. They are truly carrying out their life’s purpose through this work. You get a very tailored experience as they spend a lot of time with you before, during and after. Plugin Mind has put a lot of effort into crafting their offering to be delivered in the absolute best possible way, and something that immediately felt right even though I didn’t know what it would be or feel like. To this day I’m at a loss for words to describe this life changing experience, and I am deeply and immensely grateful. Niko and Karina - THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
christina yelvingtonchristina yelvington
12:56 05 Mar 24
I typically do not write reviews. But for this, I have to! 🐸✨🙏🏼I have been holding onto trauma from my childhood and I’ve been searching for a way to escape that my entire life. I’ve tried therapy. I’ve talked to other people about plant medicine when I was introduced to Karina and Niko I had an instant connection with feminine energy and masculine energy…. With the treatment of Kambo and Bufo, I was able to let go of years of trauma and self-hate, find my true identity see myself for the first time, and most importantly, be able to let go wholeheartedly of the trauma I allowed to control me….I had enough!!!So I said NO MORE!!!! I no longer wish to be trapped in a loop of fear and trauma. I CHOOSE to be free!!!So I was reborn and I’m never going back! My spiritual path has reignited, and my path has been laid before me and is never more clear!If you’re willing to surrender to this process, you too can have a grand rebirth. It’s the best feeling to be able to be free and actually see so many things, and such a better way of enlightenment.Thank you so much Karina and Niko for all the love and for Guiding me through my Grand rebirth thank you for showing me I am worthy! ✨🙏🏼
Logan AndorsLogan Andors
14:21 03 Mar 24
Karina and Niko are the type of people that when you meet them, you are immediately put at ease. When you meet them, you realize that you trust them, completely, with anything, and everything. They are so warm, loving, and genuine. You can tell when they ask you a question, or just when they look at you, that they care, they truly love you.When I met them, they told me about the medicine that they serve and I knew it was fate. I had been researching this medicine and I knew immediately that the stars were aligning for us. They told me about an opportunity for me to join them in the medicine, and I immediately decided that I would.Fast forward a month, and I arrive in beautiful Samara. I meet several other souls joining us on a journey together. We are briefed, questions are answered, and we began a journey that I will hold dear for the rest of my life. Words cannot describe what happened that day, but they can describe where I am now. I am reinvigorated, I am charged up, I have retaken the reigns of my life. Karina and Niko did half of the work, but the other half came from me. From deep within. I had to be willing to jump off a cliff, trusting that I was in good hands. Trusting that I could fly. And as it turns out, I can, now.I cannot recommend my friends highly enough. Please, take this next step in This ride that we call life. There is so much for us to uncover about ourselves, about our reality. They can help you, they want to help you. Let them!
Nora FawziNora Fawzi
03:24 27 Feb 24
There are no words that can describe this week experience… all i can say if you ever come across Plugin Mind grand rebirth retreat, don’t think about it, just DO IT!It’s literally a rebirth, i could never really understood that before the retreat, so it is not possible to explain. It was the MOST magical experience in my life! A full reset for the body, mind and soul. Full of love, joy, warmth and above all meeting my soul family 😍.Every part of the retreat was the best as it could be. We used to say: how can it get any better? And it just kept getting better and better ❤️❤️❤️I am so grateful for Me that i have decided to gift this week to myself, grateful for Karina and Niko for their love and support and care for every little detail and grateful for Life for the opportunity to live ALLLL these feelings 🙏
Tatiana AlexisTatiana Alexis
08:29 01 Feb 24
If you happen to find Karina&Niko, congrats you are the lucky ones😉 Words can not express my gratitude for this unique experience with them. They are loving and caring at the same time authentic. They will lead you in the best possible way through this magical experience.I am forever thankful 🐸Большое спасибо✨️🌼
Anjali SharmaAnjali Sharma
23:15 23 Jan 24
The grand rebirth was the most beautiful and life changing experience. Niko and Karina are special souls who held my hand through a transformational journey of self actualization, realizations, release of intense emotions, and an outpour of pure love. The experienxe changed my world and offered so much perspective. I highly endorse this retreat and any opportunity to be in the presence of Niko and Karina, the two most loving people. I left with so much love and gratitude for myself and my new world. I am still in touch with Niko and Karina as they have held me accountable to my shifts and have also checked on me out of love and support. I will definitely do this again, I promise. Until then...I give love to everyone that wants to take this special journey of the grand rebirth. It's a life changer!!

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